
Have an idea for a podcast?
Want to grow the podcast you just started?

We are now accepting a limited number of applicants. Send us a short summary of your podcast or idea, any episodes you've recorded and any associated social media accounts.

The Chatter Network is committed to growing your podcast in a sustainable and rewarding way.

Vann Berryman, Redux: A Podcast About Music
"Working with The Chatter Network is all about feeling part of a community. It doesn't feel like the bosses and the employees, it feels like a family where we can share ideas, give each other feedback, and grow as a whole rather than as an individual show."
Haili Crow, Facilitating Voices
"Without The Chatter Network, I would not have been able to get started with Facilitating Voices. They have helped me to learn editing skills, promote my podcast, and provide continued mentorship and consultation."
Grant Colombini, Excuse the Intermission
"Being a part of The Chatter Network has refueled my creative passion in multiple ways. Not only through hosting Excuse the Intermission, but also through being able to watch so many other creatives thrive and create some amazing shows. Everyone in the network is so insanely talented, that it pushes and inspires me to do more and be better. The community that's been made here is astounding."
Kristen Marlo, Silver Screams Podcast
"Thank you for putting together such a fascinating and valuable resource for podcasters. It feels like a cross between a dinner with friends and a fireside chat with established industry players."